Imagine writing to bring peace to the world, Imagine a Heaven and No Hell, Imagine people working together as Blessings to each other and Being Blessed, everyone united globally as a community responsible for social justice and accountability. Imagine perfect Love around the world.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Evolution of Religion

Where does religious thought go wrong?

If in the evolution of religious sciences we do not bring about the required change in our communities our communities will become the tools of chaos and destruction.

What happens when we can not see that what we worship is the terrorist that gets inside of our own thoughts and then these thoughts become the source of the worst kind of behavior displayed in society?

What I have been talking about is the Social Sciences and how we behave in our communities and how we interact with each other. A book on sexual predators, with an emphasis on child molestation, was written by one of my former teachers, Michael Pittaro. It would be a long read, fortunately I had the man as a teacher to the introduction of Criminal Justice. Mr. Pittaro did a very nice job of introducing me to the course and he gave some background history about himself. If over a period of time you listen to a teacher you will find things about the person that strikes to their root beliefs. And that will be the theme of the person. So although I haven’t read his book I was given a brief synopsis of what he wrote and how he would write as a person and an author.

What does this have to do with religion and other social ills? Well if you know me you know that I have been tying a lot of things together and incorporating a lot of different thoughts into one thought for change in society. Here is where it all begins.

What went wrong?

It was the American Dream that is what we all are given when we are born into our world, we know or we share this experience as our parents share with us.

What are the problems that we as children face? Many, why is nurturing so important? I think that is pretty obvious.

So even without the best circumstances and nurturing you can draw from the other gifts that your parents share with you, if the parents have the resources to do the things necessary to support a home and build out from there, take children on trips and vacations time spent away from home is just one way of nurturing a child, a mother and a father working together even on weekend trips is a form of giving nurture to the children and giving the childs mind a chance to grow and expand, it expands both the childs mind and also the parents mind.

Enter into the picture Divorce.

The family bond is broken, how many broken marriages do we have in our society? How many marriages have been broken with in the Christian community? Why do I ask so many questions? And what is my point? Well if a child is raised in a broken home you tend to loose some of the connection with the world around you. If you loose the one parent that knows how to nurture you then you loose something special. You die a little bit inside. You lose your love and you die a little more. And then you lose your love for yourself and you are gone over the edge. Notice your spirit dropping as you read that last section. Did you slow your reading down as the thought emerged? Read that again a little slower if you didn’t. The family bond is broken, how many broken marriages do we have in our society? How many marriages have been broken with in the Christian community? Why do I ask so many questions? And what is my point? Well if a child is raised in a broken home you tend to loose some of the connection with the world around you. If you loose the one parent that knows how to nurture you then you loose something special. You die a little bit inside. You lose your love and you die a little more. And then you lose your love for yourself and you are gone over the edge.

What are the ills of society, it is abuse, people abusing each other and people not knowing why they do it. If a man and a woman marry, they are to be compatible for life, my parents were not in Love not that my father didn’t love my mother, but because my mother didn’t feel that my father loved her. And that set into motion the wheels of injustice and no body understood why? Not one person could answer as to why this happened; well I know why it happens.

But who cares to listen to what I know, and how we could change our world for the better if we stop looking at men that are looking at the beauty around them and these men becoming one with the world around them and start focusing on the real evil and where this evil comes from. It is placed first into our minds from the way we learn about who and what we are. We are first manipulated and put down in the first chapter of the Bible. And from Genesis on through the point is punctuated and extrapolated that a person is not valuable and that we are all flawed. Add to that if you look around you, and you become a part of your surroundings then you are unfaithful and that accusation can be placed upon you and you can be driven out of your house, why? That is a question that still isn’t answered; many say it is just because. Well that is an injustice, because why? I know that in the situation with my parents it was that crazy wheel, where one gets offended and doesn’t feel and then the other being offended doesn’t offer. And it spirals downward and that still doesn’t offer the answer to why. So we dig a little further, and we notice that there is a pattern, a woman that dotes more time on the girls than on the boys, yet she has two marriages to men. Well she isn’t a lesbian, but she has an emotional problem with boys. She yells and fights a lot in her personal environment, but on the outside nobody would be able to see in. How does she put on such a good act? While there are times that children and others need to have a point impressed upon them there is also a time when you need to be involved in the children’s lives. How do you do that? You if you can make sure that the Children get to school safely and are guided during the hours that you are not home. Who can help with that task? You must rely on community involvement. Not every parent can take the time to walk a child to school, not every parent can spend time helping children with homework, as there are many things that need to be done around each and every house. But how do you know if a parent has failed? In many cases we will not know if a parent is failing. What we will know is that we as a society have failed if we are not active in making a safe way for the children to be safe.

I was not raised in a safe community. I know that some people had tried to help, but my experiences of my childhood and some of the traumas that I received both inside of my house and outside in the community are traumas that no child should ever have to endure. One of the most striking thoughts is that while talking to my father he mentioned that he felt as though his efforts to reach out to my mother were rejected. At that point he put on the role of being father and resigned himself to the fact that he wanted to get out of the marriage when us children were old enough. Why did that happen? The strangest thing would happen, of course, ten years after their first child a third child would be born. Who was trapped? What dream was destroyed? And who suffered the most? In suffering from this new change in his life my father was also stretching his wings trying to get out of his cage and the cage was getting smaller his plans foiled, and then a woman who just went through a divorce entered his life. Why did she get divorced? Is this a case of an abusive husband? Why? Why was her man abusive? What is wrong with these people? Is it a lack of Biblical teaching? No, I don’t think that is the answer, I think the answer is more on the lines of what did the men learn from their parents and peers. Of whom many had solid Biblical backgrounds. So where did the problem enter in? I think it is the actions of those that can not control their emotions. My father had a thing about women being emotional creatures. Men on the other hand are what? I’m sure that my father described men as reactive or analytical; but he would always qualify that with there are women and men that can be both or opposite. My father would often say there are no absolutes.

So then if you can be one or the other, Biblical or Non-Biblical and the divorce rate is virtually the same for both, then something else is driving people to the fray of divorce. What is it? I think it is abuse, and this abuse has been going on for a long time. But the cycle of abuse can and must be broken, but how? We have a lot of people working on this problem today; many people are seeking the answers that exist with in what they themselves know. But what about a person that comes along from inside the issues of abuse? What insight does that person bring to the table? Many of the people doing research on issues of abuse have never been abused, they look at the experience from the outside, what are the chances that an abused victim would ever get heard in a society that only looks in from the outside? As we know the people that are on the outside looking in are the ones that have the control to stop the abuse cycle. The problem is that they cannot see the problem is inside of them and how they think. While being on the outside looking in you are probably of a family of a higher learning order. What are the rates of Divorce among the people that are in Love with each other? I don’t think we have to guess at that answer, or should I spell out 0. We all know an oxymoron when we see one right? What are the chances that these people that know Love and care about others have enough money and time to do something about a problem that might exist? What is the problem? Where do we find an answer to the problem if we can find the problem?

The problem is found in the Bible, it is that defeated purpose where living isn’t worth a thing, we are to small to solve our own problems. And how does this message get reinforced? Through the Bible, if you read and become divided and can no longer help yourself because you are depressed because you are to insignificant and the cycle spirals downward. But there is good news, you can die… That didn’t help much and it no more makes a person love another person, and in fact makes a person unlovable because now you have a person that was abused and now is depressed, a bad combination. How do you get help? And who does a person turn to? Will money help the poor in spirit is that the answer? Well there are a lot of things that can help the poor in spirit, but the first is to get their spirits lifted and make available to them the money to be able to do the things that matter for their families. Love and Health increase when money is available also, we could do better by doing the opposite, by reducing the cost of services and products we can make available our services to others.

Not everyone has enough land to go out and grow a garden, and the barter system is nice, but how much of an abundance of everything do we need? We need to be able to feed the poor and help those that are in need, but if we don’t take care of ourselves soon we too will be needing help and we will become the poor. The cycle of abuse stops when the system stops abusing us.

We need to get help for those that are victims of abuse, they need to be heard and we need to find a way that they can overcome the problems and issues that they face.

While at the same time addressing the issue of abuse, and we are talking about self abuse here in this segment, the one thing that becomes clear is the addictive personality and how that person can be turned from an abuser to a user. The idea is to make abusers, users and useful in society, and not send them down a path to incarceration. Unfortunately; some people will not be turned around and they will end up in jail for their past behaviors. Examples of behaviors that would lead a person into incarceration would be the non-payment of debts, continued abuse of substances banned by the courts, and other malicious behaviors that cause harm to people.

In summary the Bible has a lot to do with what people believe and must be changed to become effective to instruct people how to live and lead a good life, while society has to work with people that have become victims to such issues as being abused and we need to provide help that is real in getting off of the abuse cycle, so that our children are not abused by our parents mistakes. We pass on what we learn and it is not easy to break family cycles, but we must try to make available every means and offer every assistance for those that are willing to identify abuse in their past, by parents, spouses or even their own failures. We can all be the hero for another person and that is showing Love and Caring. That is what the Church is supposed to be about, you do not need a building with four walls to make a Church or to know GOD you need people that know GOD to build a Church and Network around you to help you and support you.

It is the Evolution of Religion to bring us to know GOD and that as we know GOD we become like GOD. Does that mean that we become perfect? No it means that we seek to do the right thing for ourselves and others and that in and of itself is Love. To be made whole independently to have your own GOD and not to establish that GOD for others, but to share what you know with the others that you Love and Care about around you.

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